Mutual Learning Exercise Knowledge Valorisation - European Commission Skip to main content
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Mutual Learning Exercise Knowledge Valorisation

Focus on skills, intersectoral cooperation and incentive systems

In the context of shaping the European Research Area (ERA), 18 countries are engaged in an intensive exchange on national strategies and experiences in knowledge valorisation. The aim is to improve public support for knowledge uptake and deployment in line with the new Guiding Principles for Knowledge Valorisation as well as to promote attractive research careers.

A first policy dialogue and study visit is taking place on 19/20 June 2023 in Vienna (Austria). It will focus on incentives and skills of research talent in knowledge valorisation and inter-sectoral mobility. Member State delegates will scrutinize a number of best practices from Austria - such as the the Open Innovation Strategy for Austria, the National Contact Point-IP and the Regional Knowledge Transfer Centres –  complemented by examples from other countries. They will discuss success factors, lessons learned and enabling framework conditions that should be considered by policy makers.

Further encounters have been scheduled for 20/21 September in Sweden on ‘intermediaries’ that facilitate knowledge valorisation processes involving different actors and for 23/24 November in Finland on ‘networks and processes’. For the latter, the focus will be on innovative ways and processes of connecting researchers and other R&I actors, in particular SMEs/industry, to identify research with valorisation potential early on and to co-create innovations.

Another meeting will deal with the general policy and legal context, governance and funding to engage in knowledge uptake and embed a knowledge valorisation culture, especially in public research. The promotion of effective ‘intellectual assets management’ is a cross-cutting topic that will be addressed at each meeting in the respective thematic context. 

This policy learning exercise shall lead to a set of concrete operational recommendations that are backed by evidence, best practice and analyses of approaches introduced in the Member States, displaying an appreciation for country contexts. The final report will provide a policy toolbox by identifying good practices, policies and programmes that support the translation of research results and knowledge into value for society and the economy and support diversification of research careers. The exchanges can also help Member States develop and prepare investments that receive support from the European cohesion policy or the Recovery and Resilience Facility.

The participating countries are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Malta, Moldova, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden and Spain.

The policy dialogue on knowledge valorisation uses the instrument ‘Mutual Learning Exercise’ under the Policy Support Facility, which is funded by the Horizon Europe Programme.

The mutual learning exercise builds on and contributes to implement Action 7 ‘Upgrade EU guidance for a better knowledge valorisation’ of the ERA policy agenda 2022-24. As inter-sectoral mobility is one of the most important conduits of knowledge circulation and uptake, and skills play a pivotal role in this process, the exercise also contributes to the implementation of ERA Action 4 ‘Promote attractive and sustainable research careers, balanced talent circulation and international, transdisciplinary and inter-sectoral mobility across the ERA’ and fosters synergies between these priorities.

More information

MLE article: How to make best use of intermediaries and empower & motivate research talents

Consult the factsheet.

Read the ‘First Thematic Report: Introduction and overview’