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EU Liaison Office of the German Research Organisations

Kooperationsstelle EU der Wissenschaftsorganisationen (KoWi)

Office Bonn

Genscherallee 2
D - 53113 Bonn

Phone: +49-228-95997-0
Fax: +49-228-95997-99
Email: Bonn(at)kowi.de

Office Brussels

Rue du Trône 98
B- 1050 Brussels

Phone: +32-2-548 02 10
Fax: +32-2-502 75 33
Email: Brussels(at)kowi.de

EU Transparency Register Number
REG-Number 57404866950-33

Association for the Promotion of European and International Cooperation in Science

Register Court / Register Number:
Amtsgericht Bonn, VR 6099

Responsible for the content in the sense § 55.2 RstV (German Interstate Treaty on Broadcasting):

Dr. Matthias Röder


KoWi cannot be held liable either for mistakes in editorial or technical aspects, nor for omissions, nor for omissions, nor for the correctness of the content. In particular, we do not guarantee completeness or correctness of information contained in external websites which can be accessed via links from this website. Only the content providers of such external sites are liable for their content.

Text and data mining:
The EU Liaison Office of the German Research Organisations (KoWi) expressly reserves the right to use its content for commercial text and data mining within the meaning of § 44b UrhG.

Design: Alice Berger and Britt Launspach GbR / Carina Matzky

Implementation: mmp GmbH