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KoWi-Newsletter on EU Research & Innovation funding
Dear Mrs. Sollich,

This newsletter features EU research and innovation funding and policy news items. Updates on the European Research Council (ERC) are covered via the separate ERC National Contact Point (NCP) newsletter which is jointly provided by KoWi and the EU Bureau of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

the KoWi team
Research policy developments

European Commission: Advanced materials for industrial leadership

Advanced materials, particularly in the areas of energy, mobility, construction and electronics, are key for the EU to achieve the green & digital transition, increase EU resilience and realise open strategic autonomy. In a communication from 27 February, the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation establishes the objective for a dynamic, secure and inclusive materials ecosystem in Europe. As part of its implementation plan, it names 14 actions along five pillars:

Strengthening the European research and innovation ecosystem for advanced materials

Faster market introduction of innovative materials

Increasing capital investment and improving access to finance, including through a new co-programmed partnership ("IM4EU")

Promoting the production and use of advanced materials

Governance: Establishing a Technology Council for Advanced Materials

Actions focused on research and innovation include amongst others, developing a European digital infrastructure for advanced materials, providing access to technological infrastructure and boosting the scale up of advanced materials with support from the EIC. Developments in these research related areas are likely going to impact the content of future calls in Horizon Europe.

Contact at KoWi:
Dr. Bettina Schelkle

Launch of co-funded European Partnerships on "Agroecology" and "Animal Health and Welfare"
The two co-funded European Partnerships "Agroecology" and "Animal Health and Welfare" have recently started and held a joint launch event together with the European Commission's Directorate-General for Agriculture on 28 February 2024.

The Agroecology Partnership (coordinated by Projektträger Jülich) has already published its first public call for proposals under the title "Fostering agroecology at farm and landscape levels". The call is a two-stage process, with a deadline for submitting pre-applications until 26 April 2024. An information webinar on the call will be offered on 5 March 2024. Funding for the German project participants is provided by the German Federal Ministries of Education and Research (BMBF) and Food and Agriculture (BMEL).

The Animal Health and Welfare partnership (which is coordinated by Ghent University) involves 56 research performing organisations and 30 research funding organisations. In this partnership, projects will initially be initiated within the consortium, but external calls for proposals are also planned.
Contact at KoWi:
Mareike Schmitt
Project management

MSCA: English reading version for model employment contracts published

German entities using the model employment contracts in accordance with section 611 BGB (German Civil Code) for their MSCA fellows can now access an English reading versions of these contract templates. The English versions can be provided to fellows to help explain their employment contract. In addition, minor conceptual adjustments have been made to the German contract templates.

The model employment contracts according to § 611 BGB take into account the requirements of the European Commission and make it possible to cover the allowances used in the MSCA programme through the fellows' salary. Possible funding gaps that could arise due to the use of recruitment contracts according to TV-L/TVöD are thus avoided. The model contracts serve as a non-binding guidance. A legal review must be carried out by the employing institution in any case when using the sample texts (even individual sections).


The working group that created the models is coordinated by KoWi and the German MSCA National Contact Point (NCP). It includes representatives from the Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg and the Federal Working Group of EU Officers at Universities in Germany (BAK), the German Aerospace Centre (DLR), the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and the University of Duisburg-Essen.

Contact at KoWi:
Sarah Henkel

New Kowi and NCP seminar for social scientists and humanities scholars in Brussels

On 23 and 24 April 2024, KoWi and the National Contact Point Society are jointly organising a seminar in Brussels on EU research funding and policy. This new event format is aimed specifically at social scientists and humanities scholars at German institutions with an interest in the topics mentioned. 


Speakers from the European Commission, the executive agency REA and other institutions will provide an in-depth insight into EU research funding/policy and provide background knowledge on Horizon Europe with a focus on the implementation of Cluster 2 "Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society".


Participants will learn about overarching research policy structures, processes and communication channels in Brussels, as well as other opportunities for participation - such as working as a reviewer.


The seminar is designed for researchers with experience in the EU Research Framework Program as well as those interested in participating in the programme in the future. However, basic knowledge of the structure and programme components of Horizon Europe and Horizon 2020 is required.


The course languages are German and English.

Contact at KoWi:
Sebastian Claus

KoWi seminar "EU-Kompakt II“ in Brussels: few remaining places

From 16 to 17 April 2024 we will be hosting our “EU-Kompakt II” seminar in Brussels. Registration is already open and there are still a few places available.


Content and objective of the seminar

Entitled "Actors and communication channels in Brussels", "EU-Kompakt II" serves as a platform for exchange with Brussels-based actors in European research policy, e.g. from the European Commission, the executive agencies, associations and interest groups. The event will shed light on thematic contexts and strategic aspects that play a central role in the design and implementation of Horizon Europe. The aim of the event is to provide background information and to make overarching research policy structures and processes in Brussels more understandable.


Further information about the programme and how to register can be found following the link below.

KoWi online seminar on project management in Horizon Europe: registration still open
On 5 and 7 March 2024 (from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm each day), we are again offering our popular online seminar entitled "Auf geht’s zum neuen Horizont! – Grundlagen des Projektmanagements in Horizon Europe". Registration for this event is still open.

The event will focus on the essential rules of administrative and financial project management in Horizon Europe. We will address relevant contractual documents such as the Grant Agreement and the Consortium Agreement, and will explain cost calculation and reimbursement for the most important programme lines and project types. We also provide information on other relevant aspects such as project audits or the valorisation of project results.

The event consists of two parts that build on each other. We therefore recommend attending both days.
The seminar is particularly suitable for beginners, but is also open to more experienced participants who would like to refresh their knowledge of project management. Please note that the event will be held in German.

Due to our mandate, the event is aimed at employees of German public institutions. We therefore reserve the right to refuse participation requests from organisations other than the aforementioned target group.

"Research in Europe" (18 April) at Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development: Registration starts on 7 March

On 18 April 2024 (10 a.m. to 5 p.m), KoWi together with the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE) and the EU Network of Expertise of Brandenburg universities is organising the one-day information event "Research in Europe".

At "Research in Europe" you will get first-hand information regarding support or funding opportunities for your next career steps at all stages of your academic career. Many important German research and research funding organizations will present their portfolio: from doctoral scholarships and research professorships to large international collaborative projects. In addition, you can discuss individual questions with representatives of the institutions and testimonials at information stands. The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) will also provide information on research stays in Poland.


The event is primarily aimed at researchers at universities in Brandenburg, but is also open to other interested researchers. Participation is free of charge. The event will be held in English.

Registration will open on 7 March and will be possible via the following link.


Current vacancies in research and administration
Please find new job offers under the following link:

Postdoctoral scientist in antiviral immunity and vaccinology / PhD, MD, pharmacist, veterinarian or equivalent (m/f/d), Hospital of the University of Munich
Postdoc – Arzt, Naturwissenschaftler (m/w/d), LMU Klinikum, München
Naturwissenschaftlicher Doktorand / PhD Student (m/w/d), LMU Klinikum, München
PhD position in antiviral immunity and vaccinology (m/f/d), University of Munich
Animal Ethics and Genetic Safety Officer (m/w/d), Max-Planck-Institut für Biophysik, Frankfurt
Abteilungsleiter Drittmittelmanagement (m/w/d), Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung, Dresden
Vollzeit-Praktikum im EU-Büro, Bayerische Forschungsallianz, Brüssel
Projektmanager:in zur administrativen und finanziellen Betreuung von Drittmittel-Projekten (m/w/d), Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven
2 Sachbearbeiter:innen zur administrativen und finanziellen Betreuung von Drittmittel-Projekten (m/w/d), Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven
Senior-Evaluator*in / Teamleitung (EG15) Evaluierung für Evaluierungsabteilung II (Nachhaltige Wirtschafts- und Sozialentwicklung), DEval, Bonn
Finance Officer (f/m/d) Grant Management, part-time (20hrs/week), European XFEL, Schenefeld
Head of Finance, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg
Two PostDocs positions (until 06/27) for the ERC Starting Grant „BeyondRVE“, University of Duisburg Essen
Two PhD positions (until 06/27) for the ERC Starting Grant „BeyondRVE“, University of Duisburg Essen
12 PhD scholarships in the MOI-V Manchot Graduate School, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
Project Manager EU Projects / Office Manager (f/m/d) (part/full time), Max-Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy, Berlin
Wissenschaftliche*r Projektmanager*in / Forschungsreferent*in (w/m/d), Institute of Health, Berlin
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